Study materials

How to prepare for the Brain Olympiad?

A lot can be learned about the brain. Fortunately, there are well-arranged study materials that you can use to easily prepare for the Brain Olympiad. If you have viewed this information a few times, you can already participate in the Brain Olympiad!

For students who will participate, the Brain Olympiad provides the following resources:

  • The Society for Neuroscience publishes the Brainfacts booklet (approx. 70 pages), with accessible information about the brain suitable for everyone.
  • Computational Neuroscience & AI reader. A selection of chapters also counts as part of the study materials: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.5
  • The International Brain Bee provides two readers with advanced materials:
  • Study Focus Posts that highlight a specific topic, with a link to the corresponding MemoryLab self-study lessons

We also send interesting facts and sample questions in our weekly newsletter and via our social media channels. So subscribe for optimal preparation! And follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.